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Outfall #: 655
Name: Sigmond, Chuck and Judy
Group Name: Gorge Tillicum Community Association (GTCA)
Body of Water Outfall Flows Into: Gorge Waterway
Site Description: A small bay off the Gorge Waterway, about 70 m from Victoria Harbour Ferry Dock. A mud and stoney Beach. Grass and tree embankment.
Diameter of Outfall pipe: 18 in. (45 cm)
Elevation: 18 in. (45 cm)
Lattitude: 48 25'
Longitude: 123 22'
Source of Topographic Data: Mac Map 1999
Describe and identify plant species: Arbutus, Maple, Fir, Dandelions, various grasses, common weeds, oregon grapes, shrubs, eel grass, sea lettuce, garry oak
Describe and identify animal species: barnacles, clam shells, sand fleas
What other species may live here? birds, herons, ducks, geese
Recreational activities occuring: canoeing, power boats, kayaks, fishing
Industrial Activities occuring: ferry and other motor boats, car bridge (Tillicum)
Human Influences: apartments, boats, ferry, docks, broken glass, cigar filter
Other Observations: clean and relatively bare beach

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