BC Hydro Bridge Removal

One of our ongoing restoration projects involved the removal of a bridge crossing the Craigflower Creek from a deactivated access road in a BC Hydro right of way near the Pike Lake Substation, north of Thetis Lake. Removal of the bridge would reduce scouring of the channel during peak flow periods, and decrease siltation in the stream from water washing over the decking of the bridge. Our role was to supervise the removal of the decking, and once the bridge was removed, we installed silt fencing to prevent silt from entering the channel from the eroding road surface. The silt fencing will be in place over the winter, until the road is stabilized by grass that was seeded on the road. Future projects at the site may involve the removal of the sill logs that supported the decking, as these are still barriers to water flow; or the creation of spawning beds at the site creating more habitat for the Pacific Salmon stocks.

Hydro site after bridge removal

Hydro site after bridge removal.

Hydro site during flood stage

Hydro site during flood stage.

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