Sooke River Automated Water Quality Monitoring Station hand in water' The Veins of Life
Watershed Society


Figure 1- The Sooke River at Monitoring Site

The Sooke River Water Quality Monitoring Station

The Veins of Life Watershed Society has recently been contracted to install and operate an Automated Water Quality Monitoring Station (AWQMS) on the Sooke River (Fig. 1). An AWQMS (Fig.2) is an effective method of providing continuous water quality tests of a specific area within a watershed undergoing development. The Sooke station also functions as a demonstration station used for educational purposes.

Figure 2 - The Sooke River AWQMS

In order to provide accurate data, the station is equipped with water quality testing probes called sondes, a data logging system, and a battery. The sondes (Fig. 3) measure a variety of water quality variables such as pH, temperature, turbidity, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen as well as the water level. The data logging system stores the information 24 hours a day and can be accessed either by downloading into a lap top computer or received directly in the office using telemetry. To ensure the accuracy of the water quality measurments, water samples are taken and assessed in labs and cross referenced with both the readings off the sondes and readings from portable water quality meters. 

Figure 3 - The water quality monitoring sondes

Figure 4 - Bob Truelson and Judith Burke perform bench tests at the VOLWS office
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