E-Team crew distributing Green Boating brochures and signs to marinas
in Sooke.
What is The Green Boating Program?
The Veins of Life Watershed Society in partnership with the Georgia
Strait Alliance (GSA), Victoria and Esquimalt Harbours Environmental
Action Program (VEHEAP), and the CRD Roundtable on the Environment have
developed and implemented a unique environmental outreach program for
marinas and boaters in the Capital Regional District. This program aims
to promote environmental stewardship and increase awareness of green
boating initiatives and boat repair Best Management Practices (BMP's)
among recreational boaters and marinas through the distribution of education
materials and signage.
Green Boating signs posted across CRD marinas and shipyards by
Veins of Life Watershed Society E-Teams.
What Has Been Achieved?
Throughout August 2000 to October 2000 the Veins of Life Watershed Society
E-Teams helped distribute over 800 "Guide to Green Boating" brochures
to 30 marinas and shipyards from Victoria to Sooke. The E-Teams also
posted over 60 Green Boating and Environmental Tips of Boat Repair signs
at the marinas. These education outreach materials compliment the objectives
of the Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiatives to restrict pleasure craft
sewage discharges; maintain, restore and remediate plans for shellfish
harvesting areas and reduce non-point sources of pollution into waterways.